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Alderbury and West Grimstead Church of England Primary School

"Foundations for Life"

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What does your child learn at school each day?



The intention of our curriculum is to create a culture of enquiry, curiosity and challenge that permeates everything we do.

Our vision "Foundations for Life" inspires us to provide all our young people with the knowledge and skills that they will need to thrive, not just in their local community but in the wider world as it really is, not as it once was.
Working in partnership with our families, we will help them to be happy, confident, resilient, resourceful, reflective, responsive, independent and motivated; to use our shared values to make informed choices; to develop a life-long love of learning; to achieve highly and to the best of their ability; to feel valued.
We want to help them to ask great questions and think critically; teach them how to make things; how to speak confidently and listen actively; how to be aspirational and self-organising; how to be enquiring and curious and to discover things for themselves; how to protect their own (physical and mental) health and care for others; how to build positive relationships and contribute to their community; to value nature and care for the environment; how to engage actively and creatively; to set them up to live successfully.
To do all this, we provide a safe, secure and aspirational learning environment and the opportunity to participate in a range of stimulating experiences. 


