Philosopher - Personal, Social & Health Education (inc Relationships & Sex Education)
All pupils study PSHE (Personal, Social & Health Education) to equip them with the knowledge, understanding & skills needed to look after themselves and to play an active role in society, as responsible citizens.
Relationships & Sex Education is covered through both PSHE and Science. The statutory guidance can be found here.
We aim to equip the children with knowledge about the human body, human growth and development, sexual identity and self-esteem, personal relationships, family values and parenting, the life cycle, safety and child protection.
All this is done within a framework that explores Christian values, moral issues, responsibilities and risks.
Parents will be invited to preview material before it is used with their children. If parents wish to exercise their right to withdraw children from sex education they should notify the Headteacher in writing. Relationships education is statutory and as such, all pupils have to study this aspect of the curriculum.