Vision: “Foundations for Life”
Our vision is based on the parable of the wise and foolish builders, told by Jesus (Matthew 7:24-27).
You can watch an animation of the parable below.
Theological Underpinning
This parable of Jesus, on which our school vision is based, warns us not to be Bodging Builders (going for a “quick fix” and “make do and mend” approach), but to be Wise Workers, slowly, carefully, laying good foundations for our lives, so that when the Severe Storms of life come (as we know they do), we can remain stable, rooted and established on a Firm Foundation. As a church school, this foundation is the Christian faith, Jesus’ example and a Trinitarian understanding of God.
As a primary school, we believe our primary aim is to support all of our children in laying good foundations for their lives, especially in the following 4 areas:
- Learning – We encourage our pupils to be independent, reflective, resourceful, responsive and resilient
- Individuals – We encourage our pupils to have freedom of thought and speech, showing respect for themselves and others
- Friendship – We encourage our pupils to form a strong and cohesive community, developing positive relationships in school and beyond
- Environment – We encourage our pupils to take responsibility for the environment and to look after the earth’s resources
These are firm foundations for secondary education and adult life beyond!
Our vision supports the overall vision of the Church of England for education: "Life in all its fullness" (John 10:10).
We have a 3 Foundational Values which underpin our work in school and form the basis of our school rules.
They are:
- Kindness
- Justice
- Respect
You can read more about them on our School Values Page.