Trips & Visits
We place great value on the social and the many emotional aspects of learning away from school.
Each year, Years 5 & 6 spend 3 days away at a local residential centre.
In addition, there are several trips each year with children visiting sites such as the Roman Baths, Salisbury Cathedral, Hilliers Gardens, Moors Valley, Oxford's Ashmolean Museum, Stonehenge and Old Sarum.
Trips and visits enable the education of the children to be significantly enriched and are a particular source of enjoyment for children and staff. On many of the local day visits parents are invited to be involved so sharing in the learning of their children.
In order to fund trips and visits which take place during the school day we ask for voluntary contributions from parents. We work to keep these costs to a minimum, and offer sufficient notice to enable parents to meet these costs. If you are in receipts of free school means then other sources of funding can be found to enable all children to attend trips of this nature.