Year 6 Deer
Year 6 Class Page
What is life like in Year 6?
Well, you can expect to work hard, you can expect to laugh a lot and you can expect to start in September as a primary school student and finish in July ready for secondary school. You will grow up a lot, 'learn to learn" independently as well as collaboratively, you will grow in confidence and feel safe enough to make mistakes and learn from them.
You will never, ever "finish the work" in a lesson and have nothing to do - there is ALWAYS more! We are all different and if you need a little extra support, or a different approach - or extending and stretching - to make the most of each objective, then that is what you will get.
Some of you may wish to be in the Pupil Leadership Team in Year 6 - there are positions of Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Girl, Deputy Head Girl and Prefects … these positions hold whole-school responsibility and are awarded on merit and demonstration of the school Values following an application letter to Mr Thorpe.
There is no escaping the fact that Year 6 is a year when SATS are taken - some of you will take the 11+ too - I will do everything I can to make sure you are as prepared as you possibly can be, from exam technique to coverage of the curriculum and mopping up any misconceptions - you do NOT have to worry - the only requirement is that you do your best.
Oh, and the trips in Year 6 are amazing … but you'll have to wait and see what we get up to next year!