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Alderbury and West Grimstead Church of England Primary School

"Foundations for Life"

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Philosopher - Religious Education & World Views

As Philosophers, we use the Understanding Christianity and Discovery RE resources to explore a range of religious and non-religious world views and philosophies. We follow the locally agreed Wiltshire syllabus.


We aim to:

  • Give children insights into Christian and other World Faiths & views, so that they can develop their own framework of belief. 
  • Promote understanding and tolerance of the beliefs and practices of others. 
  • Develop children’s spiritual and moral understanding of themselves and the world. (Our school definition of spirituality is developing our knowledge of ourselves; others; the world and beauty; God and the Beyond.) 
  • Teach children to think critically about the truth claims of Christian and other beliefs. 
  • Help children to recognise how truths of faith are relevant today 
  • Help children to understand how faith can give hope in a troubled world and can sustain people in difficult situations 
  • Develop a sense in children of themselves as significant, unique and precious 
  • Lead children to recognise the common human quest for justice, peace and love and the common goal of the survival of life on this planet 


For further information, please contact the Headteacher.

