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Alderbury and West Grimstead Church of England Primary School

"Foundations for Life"

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When you come into the Year 5 classroom expect it to be your learning home. I want it to be room where you know you’re going to learn new things, be challenged and above all make progress in what you know and can do. Expect there to be routines, so that you feel secure with what you are doing, but also expect adventure and the unexpected! I want your learning to be fun so expect to encounter and learn things in new ways. Expect to learn in a practical way, where you learn how to do things physically, by looking and by listening. Do not expect to only learn from me! I will expect you to learn from each other. Expect to have your mind stretched – I love getting children to think deeply, to share their thoughts and feelings and above all, to use their imagination! I will want you to share your opinions and also give reasons for what you think.  I love it when children question things and I love it when children have open minds. I will encourage you to be creative, for example through drama and art. I will be focusing on helping you boost your learning powers by using their resourcefulness, responsiveness, reflectiveness and resilience too!

