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Alderbury and West Grimstead Church of England Primary School

"Foundations for Life"

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The School Day

The school opens, and registration begins at 8:45.

(8:45-3:15 daily equates to 32.5 hours per week).


Times of Sessions

Morning            08.55 – 12.00

Lunch               12.00 – 13.00

Afternoon         13.00 – 15.15



There is a fifteen-minute morning break.

There may be a fifteen-minute afternoon break for Key Stage 1.


Drop-off and Collection

Only staff and disabled drivers with a blue badge are allowed to use the school car park at drop-off and collection times.  The road outside school can become very congested so we ask you to drive and park considerately and to ensure the roads and driveways are accessible to residents and emergency services.


Parents drop their children at the playground gate.


At the end of the day, parents wait on the Key Stage 1 playground, and pupils are dismissed to a known adult, named on the pupil’s data collection form.  If you cannot collect your child for any reason an email or phone call to the school office is necessary as we take the safety of your children very seriously. Teachers will not release children to adults who are not known as regular collectors, so please ensure we are told if your child is to go home with someone different.


The Office

The office is normally open Monday – Friday between 8:15 and 16:00.


School Meals

There are two options at midday; children may:


  • bring a packed lunch from home
  • have a cooked school meal – free school meals are available for those eligible in KS2 and ‘Universally’ available for children aged 4-7.  Meals for KS2 children (who are not eligible for a Free School Meal) are charged £2.50 per day.  Meals should be ordered through the school office.


Milk is available at no cost to children under the age of 5 years. Details of costs to older children are available via


Packed Lunches

Due to allergies we are a nut free school, please note this includes not providing your child with peanut butter or chocolate spread in their sandwiches.  Children should bring a healthy balanced packed lunch and items that are not allowed are: fizzy drinks, sweets, glass bottles.



A free fruit or vegetable snack is provided daily for 4-7 year olds.  Children in KS2 may bring a similar item for morning play if they wish.

