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Alderbury and West Grimstead Church of England Primary School

"Foundations for Life"

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Local Governance Committee

The school's Local Governance Committee has three core functions:


  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school
  • Holding the Head to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  • Providing support to monitor school expenditure


We regularly review the effectiveness of our work and check that governors have the right mix of skills and experience. We agree an annual action plan to ensure we maintain our focus on developing and improving the work of the school. 


The Local Governance Committee normally meets six times during the year. 


During this year, Governors are particularly focussing on the development of the school's exciting new curriculum and monitoring its successful implementation.


John Fuller

(Chair of Governors)


Who's Who


Liesel Butler

As a Foundation Governor I am excited about the opportunity to help encourage and develop the Christian character and ethos of the school. I believe that ensuring our children are steeped in the school’s Foundations for Life, based on Christian values, will equip them with the skills, tools and behaviours to thrive in the world. As a family, we have been a part of Alderbury village community since 2019 and our daughter joined the school in 2022. I am a Chemical Process Engineer, currently working as an Engineering Project Manager, and I am honoured to offer my skills and experience in support of the continued growth and success of the school.


John Fuller

I am a Foundation Governor and Vice-Chair of the Governing Body. I meet weekly with Mr Thorpe to discuss the work of the School and I am also the link governor for maths. I have spent my career working in the world of education, including twenty years as a Headteacher. I have worked as a School Improvement Partner and most recently I have held senior roles within a large Multi Academy Trust. I am a member of Alderbury Parish Council and a church warden at St. Mary's Alderbury. I believe strongly in the importance of the School to the life of our villages and I am committed to ensuring the very best outcomes for all of the children of Alderbury and West Grimstead School.


Claire Jackman

I am delighted to have been appointed as a Foundation Governor for Alderbury and West Grimstead Primary School. I am passionate about the success of the school, the foundations the school is building for our children and the values being instilled in them. I have been local to Alderbury all my life, and I have lived in the village since 2003. Our daughter has attended AWGS since 2018 and we all regularly attend St Mary’s Church, Alderbury. We suffered a very difficult period in our lives a few years ago, and the school supported us both so wonderfully, and now life is happy again, and we are back on an even keel, I am honoured to be able to give something back to say thank you.  I am a Chartered Accountant working for an independent firm based in Andover with my own portfolio of clients, as well as managing the office. My desire for all children of all abilities to be given the platform they deserve to achieve their absolute best will guide me throughout my time as a governor here.


Ruth Jennison

I am a Parent Governor. As a teacher with over 15 years of experience in local primary schools, I believe I have the expertise to support our school's journey to becoming even more successful. I am committed to the village community and have co-led Alderbury Toddler Group for several years. Through my teaching roles over the years, I have developed a good understanding of how to achieve a balance between raising academic standards and providing a broad, rich and varied curriculum that excites and inspires all of our children, whatever their needs and talents. I have always been interested in children, education and parenting, and feel I offer a valuable mix of skills from my professional and personal backgrounds.


Lindy Paramor

I am a Foundation Governor for West Grimstead where I have lived for most of my life. My sons attended the old West Grimstead School and I was a governor there in the years leading up to the opening of the new Alderbury and West Grimstead School in 1993. So, it is a real pleasure to be involved here again. My working life has been in education, firstly in pre-school education and then as an Open University lecturer in social science, both of which support my role as the link governor for Literacy. I am committed to the school's emphasis on the values of kindness, respect and justice as providing the ethos in which every child can flourish.


Kate Parker

As a parent governor, I am excited and dedicated to help the school retain its ethos and excellent reputation for happy, friendly children.  I have lived in the village for over 10 years and my husband grew up here and attended Alderbury Primary school (many years ago!). With a son in Year 1 and a daughter due to join in September 2022, I have every reason to want the school to succeed for years to come. As a Head of Department in a local grammar school for over 10 years and through my role as an Assistant Head, I believe I am well positioned to help support the school and work collaboratively with teachers and the other governors to enhance the quality of the education provided for all children. 


Maria Smale

As a Foundation Governor I am committed to supporting our school ethos of nurturing lives through Christian values.  I am passionate about providing a varied, successful learning environment to help each individual child achieve their full potential.  I work as a Senior Pharmacist in our local hospital and am the named governor for science. I value the village community and the benefits it brings to Alderbury and West Grimstead School.  It is a privilege to have the opportunity to utilise my skills, experience and time to support the increasing success of the school.


Further Information

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Financial Information

There are no employees at the school with a gross annual salary exceeding £100 000.

You can view our school on the School's Financial Benchmarking Service here

